Visiting the Barnes Collection
The Barnes collection is so visually rich and dense with masterpieces that one can barely navigate all the rooms without feeling “art dizzy.”
Since its move to downtown Philadelphia, art lovers are flocking to see this amazing collection. The new building, designed by architects Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, created a gorgeous exterior to house a mammoth interior collection of 800 paintings, plus iron works, antique furniture and accessories. The rules of the move were that the art had to be hung in the exact same manner that Dr. Albert C. Barnes dictated when the Barnes Collection was first built in 1922.
As one travels from room to room one can be overwhelmed by the many, many masterpieces. Some of the highlights of the Collection are:
In the Main Room
Look for Paul Cezanne’s, The Card Player and George’s Seuart’s Models.
In Room 2
You can find Vincent van Gogh’s, The Postman.
In Room 14
You will see Henri Rousseau’s, Attacked by a Tiger.
Room 19 houses Pablo Picasso’s
Acrobat and Young Harlequin.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s, Leaving the Conservatory can be found in Room 23.
The Barnes Collection
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 9:30 am – 6 pm, Friday 9:30 am – 10 pm, Tuesday Closed.
A short walk across the street from the Barnes Collection, you will find the Rodin Museum, which houses a collection of 150 pieces by sculptor Auguste Rodin. Jules E. Mastbaum collected these works over a period of years, ultimately donating both the museum and art works in 1929 to the city of Philadelphia. Newly renovated after 3 years of work on the building, gardens and gallery, this museum is a jewel and I highly recommend a visit.
The Rodin Museum
Hours: Wednesday-Monday, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m, Tuesday Closed